Critical Care Nurse Education
The West Yorkshire & South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Critical Care Education, Training & Development Strategy has now been published. The objective of the strategy is to drive and support equitable critical care education, quality improvement and the development of critical care staff to deliver safe, evidence based quality patient care.
Educational Standards & Competencies
There has been considerable work undertaken by the Critical Care Nurse Education Review Forum, a sub-group of CC3N, to develop both Standards for Critical Care Nurse Education and a Competency Framework which underpins it.
**NEW** Adult Critical Care Clinical Nurse Educator Best Practice Guidelines 2024
National Critical Care Nursing Education standards Version 3 2023
National Critical Care Nursing Education standards Version 3 2023
National Step Competencies for Adult Critical Care Nurses
Step 1 Step 1 Competencies have been desiged to provide you with the core skills required to care for a critically ill patient safely, whilst under supervision. It is expected that Step 1 competencies will be completed prior to commencing an academic critical care programme
Step 4
Step 4 competencies have been designed to provide you with the core skills required to take charge in a critical care unit; building management and leadership capability into your professional development, to demonstrate safe and effective coordination and prioritisation of unit workload, workforce and resources. You are advised to keep a record of any supportive evidence and reflective practice to assist you during progress and assessment reviews and to inform your NMC revalidation.
Neurological Specialist Competencies
These competencies are intended to be used in addition to the Critical Care
Network’s (CC3N) Step Competencies for nurses working in a critical care environment which provides care for patients with neurological injury or post neurological surgery. The CC3N Step One Competencies should be completed first as a pre-requisite with Specialist Neurological Competencies following these either before or after CC3N Step Two and Step Three competencies according to unit requirements. Liver Specialist CompetenciesThe aim of this document is to provide comprehensive addition to the National
Competency Framework to cover those working in Specialist Liver Centres. It is anticipated that these competencies will form the next steps in your development and provide you with the knowledge and skills to: • support the specialist nursing care required by the liver patient • understand the different needs of the liver injured patient • understand the importance of involving other specialities and the team contribution to liver care • refer to or work alongside appropriate regional services for ongoing care Cardiac Specialist CompetenciesThese competencies are designed to be used in Cardiac Critical Care in conjunction with the National Competency Framework for Adult Critical Care Nurses. The Cardiac Competencies can be completed in conjunction with the Step One, Two and Three of the National Competency Framework according to unit requirements. These competencies have been designed to provide you with the core skills required to care for critically ill patients with cardiac care needs.
The Health Care Support Worker (HCSW) Critical Care Supportive Level (Band 2) competencies have been designed to provide you with the core generic skills required to safely and professionally assist in the care of the critically ill patient in a general critical care unit, under the supervision of a registered nurse.
It is anticipated that HCSW Critical Care core competencies will form the first part of your development in Critical Care |
Step 2Step 2 Competencies have been designed to further develop your essential critical care skills and will require enhanced theoretical knowledge to underpin your practice. It is anticipated that Step 2 competencies will be undertaken whilst undertaking an academic critical care programme.
Level 1 Competencies
NOrF and the Critical Care Network National Leads (CC3N) have gathered a wide group of key stakeholders to develop a practice focused competency framework for registered nurses and allied health professionals (AHPs) who care for level 1 patients in enhanced care areas
Burns Specialist Competencies (non-specialist units)
This competency document has been designed by the Operational Delivery
Networks for Burns with consultation from Clinical Lead Nurses for Burn Care across the UK. Is intended for use alongside the National Critical Care Nurses Competency package and is intended for use in areas that admit burn injured patients infrequently. Nurses that look after burns patients on a regularly basis will need to move on to the Advanced burn competency document. Maternal
Step 3Step 3 Competencies
have been designed to further develop the expert core skills required to safely and professionally care for the critically ill patient without any direction.Step 3 competencies will also be used to underpin academic critical care programmes of study. Trauma Specialist Competencies
We are pleased to announce the publication of the Adult Critical Care Major Trauma competencies which are the product of working collaboratively with colleagues from the National Major Trauma Nursing Group (NMTNG) and CC3N supported by the National Major Trauma and Burns CRG.
Advanced Burns Specialist Competencies (Specialist Burns Units)
This competency document has been designed by the Operational Delivery
Networks for Burns with consultation from Clinical Lead Nurses for Burn Care across the UK. It is intended for use alongside the National Critical Care Nurses Competency package and is intended for use in areas that admit burn injured patients frequently. This Burns advanced competency document is aimed at nurses who look after burn injured patients on a regular basis. Intermittent Haemodialysis Specialty
Links to Higher Education Institutions